Saturday, March 28, 2009

the clock is ticking.

it's unbelievable that 
within 5 weeks we'll be sitting for our A2 exams.

and that
within 5 months we'll be going into universities.

we're getting old.
we have so much to decide.
we need to make a hell a lot of choices.
we have so many expectations from our parents, friends. and mostly ourselves.

we'll be separated.
we'll see each other less often.
we may not be as close as before.
we will not have the life we use to have and love.

well i guess it's another step you take in life.


i think it's the stress that's really hitting me.
i'm having my internal exams, and today is the 2nd day and i've realised how screwed i am for my a2 exams, and if i don't work hard, i wont be able to go to ucl.
the offer is AAA btw. so i really have to work hard.

because i'm not gifted. i'm not naturally smart and i don't have a particular talent in any subject. 

if i'm not able to meet the offer, i wouldn't want to regret and say that i never work enough to achieve what i had. 

i want to do the best i can.

oh god i sound so bloody emo.

shit. i have to study shit shit....

(p.s this blog will remain untouched until the summer when i finish my exams, sorry :D )